A Welcoming Oasis for Every Student

By Robyn Murray

The first days on a college campus can be intimidating. For freshman students, the web of buildings can seem impossible to navigate. Their professors can seem daunting, their peers unwelcoming. And if those new students find no one who looks or sounds like them, intimidating can turn to overwhelming.

That matters.

It means when something happens to push them off track — a messed-up assignment or flunked test, a harsh assessment from a professor or tardy write-up, they might ask themselves: Do I belong here? Can I succeed? Or should I quit and go home where I can be myself?

That’s what it felt like for Fernando Wisniewski-Pena.

A first-generation American, Wisniewski-Pena is also a first-generation college student. His parents grew up in Mexico and knew little about how to prepare him for college life in Lincoln, Nebraska.

“I really didn’t know the expectations of asking for help,” he said. “Not knowing exactly who to talk to or how often to talk … I didn’t know if I was being too overbearing or if I was being too needy.”

Wisniewski-Pena struggled with his classes and was put on academic probation in his first year. That’s when he really began to wonder if he was in the right place.

“I think everybody has had that epiphany moment of, like, do I belong here?” he said. “I know how it feels personally to question my existence here at the university.”

Students who feel like they don’t belong on campus have a much higher chance of dropping out. According to a 2017 report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Black and Hispanic students graduate at rates significantly lower than white and Asian students.

But the University of Nebraska–Lincoln has a strong record of closing that gap. In 2015, a report by The Education Trust ranked UNL first among the nation’s public colleges and universities in improving graduation rates for underrepresented students.

Some of that credit belongs to a 30,000-square-foot building — complete with large windows and sweeping views of campus, comfortable reading spaces and a welcome-all atmosphere: the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center.

Ten years ago, the Gaughan, as it’s known, was built to provide a welcoming place for students who don’t fit the default demographic on campus. It was named in honor of Jackie Gaughan, a colorful casino magnate who believed things work better — businesses, communities and society at large — when everyone has a voice at the table.

As the Gaughan celebrates its 10-year anniversary, students and faculty are reflecting on what has changed in the decade since its opening — and what has not. For many, the challenges faced by minority and underrepresented students feel like they’re stuck on repeat. And 2020 returned them all to the fore.

While the work is far from done, at the Gaughan, students feel like it’s possible. They feel at home — welcomed, seen, respected and championed. They feel hopeful that real change will come.

As it stands, attached to the beating heart of campus, the Nebraska Union, the Gaughan is one of the largest multicultural centers on a U.S. university campus. With spaces like the Kawasaki Reading Room, where students can learn about Japanese history and art, as well as massage chairs and reading nooks, the Gaughan is a place for students to study, unwind and gather.

It is also home to more than a dozen student organizations, such as the UNL Disability Club, Afrikan People’s Union and the Muslim Student Association.

“We have wonderful spaces where we can offer tutoring and assistance academically, so students can find their way and be successful,” said the center’s director, Charlie Foster. Foster is also the assistant vice chancellor for inclusive student excellence and director of the Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services.

“We work hard to make them feel comfortable, make them feel like they belong on campus, that they can be successful here,” Foster said.

When Wisniewski-Pena was struggling with his classes, he was connected to an adviser at the Gaughan, and the relationship he developed made all the difference.

“If it wasn’t for her, I probably wouldn’t have graduated,” he said, calling the Gaughan his “home away from home.”

“Just knowing that these individuals knew where I was coming from,” he said, “I had more than just an academic connection; I had a personal connection.”

Unyoh Mbilain had a similar experience. A first-generation American, Mbilain is a political science and global studies major on a pre-law track. Her parents immigrated from Cameroon, and she says the Gaughan staff have become like family.

“Miss Charlie … she’s like our mom away from home,” Mbilain said. “She’s always checking up on us.”

Mbilain attended a competitive private school and her parents went to college, so she didn’t feel lost on campus. But she did feel alone at times as one of the few Black faces in class.

“I know I wouldn’t have been at UNL for that long if … I didn’t have the Gaughan to blow off steam,” she said. “It’s important to have a place that represents you … it’s definitely part of my well-being.”

Foster says the Gaughan welcomes students from every walk of life — big cities, small towns, Nebraska natives or foreign — and understands diversity encompasses much more than skin tone.

“Suggesting that multiculturalism is only about black and brown faces, that’s an error,” she said. “We’re supposed to be learning about everybody and learning what richness we all bring to the table.”

Inclusive Student Excellence

In 2020, UNL released a strategic plan that laid out a 25-year objective. The goals include enhancing research and creative activity, preparing students to be lifelong learners and broadening Nebraska’s engagement in community, industry and global partnerships. For every goal, one principle is woven in: Create an institution where “every person and every interaction matters.”

It’s a worthy concept, but it also points to an uncomfortable truth.

“The fact that we have to explicitly say that means that maybe up to this point not everybody has felt that they mattered or that they belonged,” said Tyre McDowell Jr., assistant vice chancellor for student affairs.

McDowell oversees various student organizations on campus and says his mission is to “create a community where everybody can be their fully authentic self.” Only when students, faculty and staff feel they can truly be themselves do they reach their full potential, he said, and only then does the university get the best from its greatest resource.

McDowell said as the populations served by universities changed, tensions inevitably resulted. How people from diverse backgrounds are perceived or acknowledged on campus or represented within the curriculum needed to be addressed.

“What changes do we need to make, structurally or culturally, to make the college experience at the University of Nebraska one that everybody feels like they’re acknowledged and that they truly matter and belong?” McDowell said. “You can’t wish it away. You can’t write it away. There are things you have to do, and it’s challenging, difficult work.”

McDowell says that work is about confronting a system so that barriers are no longer in place. For example, colleges were not designed for students who are the first in their families to attend university.

“I was a first-generation college student,” McDowell said. “I can tell you, my kids have a distinct advantage having had a parent who’s navigated the college system.”

Colleges were also not designed for students who don’t have money at home. Tuition and textbooks are expensive, and many students work to pay rent while they’re at school. That means they don’t get to participate in research projects or unpaid internships that can make them more attractive to employers when they graduate.

Curriculum and representation are also challenges.

“A student could come to the University of Nebraska, and if they’re a Black student, never having been in the classroom with the person instructing the class looking like them,” McDowell said. “It’s difficult to understand unless you’ve had to navigate that.”

The university’s plan has another stated goal: Create a climate that emphasizes, prioritizes and expands inclusive excellence and diversity. One step forward on that path was welcoming the inaugural vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion to the university, Marco Barker, Ph.D., in 2019. In an email, Barker said the creation of his position symbolized the work of inclusion and diversity as an important campus goal.

“However, the creation of this role acknowledges that diversity as a priority was not understood as a priority by all,” he said. “There is an opportunity and need for our faculty, staff and students to see themselves as part of our inclusive excellence mission and play a role in making diversity, inclusion and equity — including racial equity — a core component of the UNL experience.”

Foster said part of the work is simple: Do a better job of being good to each other.

“That’s what inclusive student excellence is,” she said. “It’s the reason why we do the work that we do. So everybody has a shot at having a great education. And the only way to do that is to do that together.”

Old Lessons, Relearned

While 2020 was one of the most difficult years for many in recent memory, it also moved the nation forward on some critical issues. The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer brought people of every background to the streets with a unified voice — Black lives matter. No more, but no less. More Americans participated in BLM protests than any other in U.S. history.

As Nebraska students joined in, the Gaughan stood behind them.

“We sought to support all of them,” Foster said. “We were there, because our students were there.”

But while the magnitude of the protests was unprecedented, the conversations and concerns were not new. Foster said 2020 looked a lot like 1968.

“We should be really intentional about learning our history, as a country, as a state,” she said. “If we’re smart now, we won’t have to relive it all over again. We don’t have to keep doing this.”

McDowell said the events of 2020 pushed NU to confront issues like race and racism in a way it has not had to in some time.

“The University of Nebraska doesn’t exist in a vacuum,” he said. “We know that racism exists on the University of Nebraska campus, because we know that racism exists in the society at large. We are a microcosm.”

McDowell said the protests provided an opportunity to have an honest conversation about race and racism in ways that could lead to long-term, systemic changes. But he worries students will get burned out if those changes don’t happen soon.

“Hopefully, the students who are advocating for change don’t grow weary of pushing,” McDowell said. “It can be tiresome … but we need them to keep the pressure on.”

Wisniewski-Pena is one of those students who is pushing for change. He sits on the diversity and inclusion committee in student government and works to ensure students like him feel included. It’s a stop on the path to his goal of practicing international law and working in foreign affairs. It is a destination he is one step closer to as a proud college graduate — thanks to the Gaughan and his own determination.

“I was stubborn,” he said. “Even though there is not a big space for me here, I’m going to make it my space, you know, I’m going to find my community.

“I don’t know where I would be if I had dropped out. I don’t have a backup plan.”

"I really didn’t know the expectations of asking for help. Not knowing exactly who to talk to or how often to talk … I didn’t know if I was being too overbearing or if I was being too needy."

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Nurturing the Environment and Our Health

By Tom O’Connor

With a massive flood in 2019 and a serious drought in 2020, Nebraska knows only too well the water extremes that can occur and the havoc they can produce.

For Jesse Bell, Ph.D., it makes Nebraska the perfect place for him to conduct his work as director of the newly established Water, Climate and Health Program based in the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health.

The program brings together experts from the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI) at the University of Nebraska. It was created in 2020, thanks to a $5 million gift commitment made by UNMC alumna Anne Hubbard, M.D., through her family’s foundation, the Claire M. Hubbard Foundation.

Bell grew up in the tiny community of Bloomfield in northeast Nebraska.

He loved to fish and hunt and be out in nature.

When UNMC recruited him for an associate professor role in 2018, one of his colleagues said, “You could go to a lot of places. Why Nebraska?”

The answer was easy, said Bell, who was lured back to the Cornhusker state from Atlanta, where he created the first joint research position between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“I loved growing up in Nebraska,” he said. “I knew the state, and I felt there was tremendous potential for future work — a better chance that we could move the meter a little more to produce improved health outcomes.”

When it comes to flooding, Bell said most people think of coastal states as having the biggest problem. Amazingly, with its large number of rivers and waterways, Nebraska ranks as the sixth most flood-prone state in the country.

“The 2019 flood was devastating to Nebraska,” Bell said. “It resulted in three deaths, and the $10.8 billion economic loss made it the costliest inland flooding event in U.S. history.

“We saw the full spectrum of flooding — the damage caused by rushing water, contaminants, bacteria and ag chemicals in the water, debris you can’t see, animals trying to escape. Once the waters receded, we saw the problems afterwards, such as mold in houses and mental health issues due to lost crops and livestock.”

With 92% of Nebraska’s land dedicated to agriculture, it’s no surprise that high nitrate concentrations can be found in groundwater across the state. Nitrates, which have been linked to potentially serious health issues in babies, originate primarily from fertilizers, septic systems and manure storage or spreading operations.

In addition, other elements found in Nebraska’s water can impact health. These include arsenic, lead, uranium, agricultural chemicals and herbicides such as atrazine.

Bell said 80% of Nebraska’s water comes from community public water systems, while the remaining 20% comes from private domestic wells.

Climate change is another area of concern in Nebraska, Bell said.

“Over the past 50 years, Nebraska’s temperatures and precipitation have increased,” he said. “Scientists expect this trend to continue in the future, which will translate to winters being wetter and summers being drier.”

By partnering with DWFI, the Water, Climate and Health Program will be able to enhance its effectiveness, he said.

Peter G. McCornick, Ph.D., executive director of DWFI, which celebrated its 10th anniversary last year, agrees.

“This is a strategically important alliance for our institute and the UNMC College of Public Health,” McCornick said. “It will enable us to better research the complex issues impacting water quality and develop solutions for improved public and environmental health. We’re very pleased to welcome Dr. Bell to the DWFI leadership team.”

The Water, Climate and Health program will work in three main capacities:

  • Bringing diverse university experts together to solve complex issues
  • Finding technical and policy solutions to improve the environment for better human health
  • Providing experiences for students studying these issues

Research topics the program could address include the following:

  • Links between the state’s water quality and pediatric cancer and birth defects
  • Health outcomes related to Nebraska’s flooding
  • The impact of technology, such as precision application of nitrogen fertilizer on soil and water quality
  • Mapping at-risk populations and environmental exposures in the state

“The hope is to build an interdisciplinary program across the university that will thrive for decades to come,” Bell said. “We have plenty of work to do. We will focus on Nebraska first, then the region, and then everything outside the region. I’m excited about this. I think there will be a lot of good that will come out of this.”

Looking out for Mother Nature

Hubbard has had a love affair with nature since she was in her mid-20s.

When she was looking to make a significant investment in the University of Nebraska, it was very obvious to her that the best use of the money would be to address Nebraska’s most pressing public health issues associated with water and climate.

“Nature is so important. It calms you down … relieves mental stress. I love getting out and moving around,” said Hubbard, a 1977 graduate of the UNMC College of Medicine and member of the University of Nebraska Foundation Board of Directors. “I know there is a God when I’m outside.

“We need a healthy environment. Life is circular. All of us are connected. If we have unhealthy water or soil, it affects everyone — humans, plants and animals. We have to look out for Mother Nature, because she’s trying to look out for us.”

In addition to establishing the Water, Climate and Health program, her gift commitment created the Claire M. Hubbard Professorship of Water, Climate and Health that Bell will hold, pending approval by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

A pediatric radiologist, Hubbard worked in children’s hospitals in Kansas City and Philadelphia for 21 years before joining UNMC and Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in 2005. She retired in 2015.

Her gift to the University of Nebraska Foundation helps meet a critical need in public health.

“The idea behind public health is to prevent disease instead of just treat it,” Hubbard said. “It is so obvious to me how much impact environment has on human health.

“Water is life. The goal is for everyone to have safe, clean water available. It’s exciting to see the University of Nebraska come together to try to make this happen.”

Click here to learn more about Hubbard’s reasons for supporting the study of water, climate and health.

"We have plenty of work to do. We will focus on Nebraska first, then the region, and then everything outside the region. I’m excited about this. I think there will be a lot of good that will come out of this."

For Jesse Bell, Ph.D., Nebraska is the perfect place for him to conduct his work as director of the newly established Water, Climate and Health Program based in the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health.

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UNK Confronts a Growing Issue in Early Childhood Education

By Kristin Howard

Sarah Collins, a sophomore from Omaha, knew she wanted to be a teacher long before choosing the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

She expected a standard arc of education classes to prepare her with method and theory, then a semester of student teaching to get real-world experience to launch her career in the classroom. Instead, she began working with students almost right away with a job at the LaVonne Kopecky Plambeck Early Childhood Education Center at UNK.

Collins is delighted with the change of plans.

“This job has been such a light in my life, and applying here was truly the best decision I have made as a college student thus far,” she said.

The Plambeck Center opened in November 2019 in University Village, a mixed-use, urban-village development that’s located just south of UNK’s main campus. The center provides developmentally appropriate early education for up to 176 children from infant to 6-year-olds, including those with special needs. It features 11 classrooms dedicated to three research-based philosophies for early childhood education.

“This hands-on experience has cemented my desire to pursue my career in education,” said Collins. “Working with kids of all ages has broadened my developmental experience. Interactions with the parents have improved my professionalism.”

The Plambeck Center’s facility also serves as a lab where students from UNK and the University of Nebraska Medical Center prepare for their future careers through experiential learning activities, such as classroom observations, practicums, internships, student teaching, diagnostic testing and research.

Interim Director Chelsea Bartling manages the center’s day-to-day operations, collaborating with various campus departments and community organizations on learning, child development and research initiatives.

“At the Plambeck Center we encourage our college students to come and learn through interactions with the children and teachers here at the center,” Bartling said. “Hands-on experiences with early childhood students provide our future educators a valuable learning experience that tandems the university teaching. It puts the practices learned into play and helps to guide our future educators in their teaching journey.”

Collins said the learning is constant, and UNK and UNMC students are included in many aspects of the center.

“I was recently promoted to teacher’s assistant and have been involved in lesson planning and have had experience being the lead instructor when the lead teacher is not in the room,” she said.

In addition to serving Kearney-area families, the Plambeck Center addresses a statewide need for developing early childhood educators in a hands-on setting that exposes them to the best teaching methods.

“We know there’s a severe shortage of high-quality early childhood education providers,” said Bartling. “That’s been a big issue, especially for rural Nebraska. It is important for our future educators to continue their educational journey, as students still need highly qualified teachers to teach even amongst the teaching challenges that our society is currently facing.”

It’s a workforce need and a community need, she said, noting that childcare and early education are among the top priorities for employees and businesses looking to move into a community.

“As individuals come to town, child care is one of the first things they look for. We as a center and business need to be ready to help support families,” said Bartling.

Kearney residents and UNK graduates Jennifer and Chuck Rowling recognize the advantages of the Plambeck Center’s educational approach.

“Our family has been fortunate to have all three of our children attend the Plambeck Center,” said Jennifer Rowling. “The excellent teachers and students who work with the children daily are the true heart of the center and do an amazing job providing the early childhood education that sets these children apart from their peers. Learning through play and exploration is so important for children, and the center has figured out how to incorporate fun and learning daily.

“The Plambeck Center is a perfect example of … why the quality of the teachers and staff makes all the difference.”

The center’s role in educating early childhood teachers and other professionals is expected to address a growing need across Nebraska.

Through 2026, the Nebraska Department of Labor projects that there will be an average of almost 2,300 job openings for child care workers each year and a cumulative 12% expansion of total employment in this occupation between 2016 and 2026.

Preschool teaching alone is expected to have more than 100 openings per year and a 9% total employment growth during this decade.

The Nebraska Department of Education conducts its annual Teacher Vacancy Survey in PK-12 schools each fall. Its 2019 survey showed early childhood education sitting 10th among 15 endorsements with a shortage of educators — the fifth straight year it has been identified as a shortage area.

UNK’s Early Childhood Inclusive Teaching Field Endorsement Degree program, which is among the largest in the state with more than 250 students, is playing a key role in building this skilled workforce. Students at the Plambeck Center are also being trained for all different types of classrooms. In January, the center opened its Montessori Early Childhood classroom, which will enable more teachers to complete credentials in Montessori and support LaVonne Plambeck’s complete vision.

Mark Reid, Ph.D., dean of the College of Education, who took the reins as dean in 2020, reflected on the impact Plambeck’s passion for education has had at UNK.

“Many thanks go out to Dr. LaVonne Plambeck, for whom the center is named,” Reid said. “Her enthusiasm and generosity were imperative for this aesthetically and functionally beautiful facility to become a reality. In addition to the traditional classrooms, one of the spaces has been fully outfitted for Montessori teaching, for which Dr. Plambeck has an international reputation. At UNK, we are always looking for and improving the best and effective ways to prepare our teachers.”

Bartling said, “As a graduate from the Early Childhood Inclusive Endorsement program at UNK, I feel that the program and those hands-on experiences of the university child care center played a huge role in where I am as an administrator and former preschool teacher/special educator.”

Bartling’s UNK teaching and administration experience has come full circle. Collins is at the beginning of her journey but loves what her future may hold.

“One day, when I was working with the pre-K students, I spent the last half hour of the day working directly with a few of them on writing the alphabet. They were so excited about learning and displaying their knowledge, and it really made an impact on me,” said Collins. “That spark in their eyes — that’s what all of this is about. This moment painted a picture of what my future will be like.”

"This job has been such a light in my life, and applying here was truly the best decision I have made as a college student thus far."

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Erasing the Stigma

Treating Addiction as a Disease is Key to Beating Substance Use Disorders

By Ed Rider

He thought he would never practice medicine again.

The stigma associated with seven years of alcohol and opioids misuse — being labeled an addict — affected his medical license and his practice. With no job and few prospects, he returned to school in hopes of pursuing a career as an alcohol and drug therapist.

Fate had another plan.

When Kenneth Zoucha, M.D., looked to shadow therapists at a youth treatment program, he found an opportunity to continue working as a pediatrician in an environment where he could draw upon his own experiences with addiction and recovery.

“My journey to recovery gave me empathy for patients, because when they talk about how painful withdrawal is, I get it,” Zoucha said. “These are sick people who need help to get well, not bad people we need to make good.”

His path also led him to better understand how the stigma of addiction hinders people from getting the help they desperately need.

Zoucha, now assistant professor of psychiatry and director of the addiction medicine division at the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Psychiatry, applauds the psychosocial interventions and therapies that have helped many people with use disorders. However, he believes education on the neurobiological disease behind addiction is key to more successful recoveries.

“Substance use disorder is a disease that needs to be treated medically, like we treat patients with diabetes,” he said. “The more we can talk about addiction as something that can be treated at your doctor’s office with the aid of expertly trained therapists, the less stigma there will be surrounding it.”

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that more than 35% of drug overdose deaths in Nebraska involved opioids. Alcohol, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, kills more than 300 Nebraskans each year. More than 37% of vehicle fatalities were due to alcohol impairment.

The same survey estimates that up to 7,000 people in Nebraska are living with a substance use disorder. Only about 10% will get the medical help they need.

With just eight physicians who are board certified in addiction medicine in the state (all located in the Omaha metropolitan area) and 178 physicians who obtained the waiver to prescribe buprenorphine (a narcotic prescribed for addiction to pain relievers), the need for more providers is urgent.

UNMC, Nebraska Medicine and the state have joined forces in a public-private partnership to develop training programs that will educate more physicians to treat patients with addictions. Development of two addiction fellowship programs as well as Pain and Substance Use Disorder Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) were kick-started through private support and assisted by a subaward of the State Opioid Response grant from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.

Howard Liu, M.D., MBA, chair of the UNMC Department of Psychiatry, recruited Zoucha from his position overseeing the juvenile chemical dependency unit at the Hastings Regional Center to initiate the Addiction Medicine Fellowship program (accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) and the executive fellowship program. It is the first fellowship program of its kind in the state.

“Few physicians in Nebraska know how to treat patients with addiction,” Liu said. “Our fellowship programs allow doctors to become experts in caring for patients with a substance use disorder. By lowering the stigma, medical professionals are more likely to see addiction as something they can treat.”

Addiction medicine fellowships are one-year multispecialty training programs for anyone who has completed a residency in the United States. Training provides a deep dive into providing care for people with unhealthy substance use, substance use disorders and other addictive disorders. The fellowship provides experience in the prevention, clinical evaluation, treatment and long-term monitoring of substance-related disorders.

Demand has been high for UNMC’s 30-day addiction medicine executive fellowship program for physicians, physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. Through a combination of clinical inpatient and outpatient treatment experiences, practicing providers learn how to evaluate and manage patients with substance use disorders.

In-person and web-based training helps executive fellows gain core skills for addiction treatment.

The program has graduated 35 fellows since its inception two years ago.

Growing the number of medical professionals who can treat patients with a substance use disorder is assisted by fellows applying these new skills to their practices and educating their partners. Giving providers the skills, knowledge and confidence to be the experts in their communities allows them to teach those skills to others.

ECHO uses videoconferencing to connect a variety of addiction specialists with providers across the state to discuss cases related to substance use disorders. Online sessions consist of a brief educational presentation followed by a clinical case discussion from a provider. Recommendations for treatment are also discussed.

“This amazing opportunity wouldn’t have happened had I not gone through my recovery journey,” Zoucha said. “Anyone can get substance use disorder, regardless of your status in society … it’s a medical disease.

“It also shows that people can get well.”

"My journey to recovery gave me empathy for patients, because when they talk about how painful withdrawal is, I get it."

Kenneth Zoucha, M.D.

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Hate Has No Home Here

UNO’s National Counterterrorism Center Aims to Understand, Track and Stop Homegrown Terrorists

By Robyn Murray

It began on a clear morning in 1995, when Timothy McVeigh demolished a federal building in Oklahoma City and killed 168 people.

For the nation, it was a watershed moment — the deadliest act of homegrown terrorism in U.S. history. But for the residents of Oklahoma City, it was woven into the fabric of their identities.

Gina Ligon, Ph.D., grew up in Oklahoma City. She was 16 when she toured the wreckage of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. She remembers the smell of the thick, muggy air, which was still acrid five days after the building was blown apart, and how indiscriminate it felt.

“They were just doing normal things,” she said. “They were cogs in the machine of this ideological hatred that he had.”

That day changed Ligon. It made her want to find the next McVeigh, the terrorists lurking among us — and stop them.

Today she is doing exactly that. Ligon is the head of NCITE — the National Counterterrorism, Innovation, Technology and Education Center, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence. NCITE is dedicated to understanding, tracking and stopping domestic terrorists. It is a one-of-a-kind institution based at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and it just earned UNO the largest grant in its history: $36.5 million awarded by DHS.

The grant lasts 10 years, but Ligon is already planning beyond that.

“This is an opportunity to build something that Nebraska can be known for,” she said.

On a recent Zoom call, NCITE students scroll through charts and graphs, tweaking variables and inputting data to make the lines bend and curve.

A little blue dot pops up on a map, corresponding with phone data and pinged locations.

It’s mesmerizing, and the students are excited about the software behind it. But they also understand the gravity of what they’re looking at.

That little blue dot is a potential terrorist.

“I’ve never been exposed to data in that way before,” said Liz Bender, a UNO junior majoring in criminology and criminal justice. “You read about it, but I never really thought I could have access to some of that data.”

Data is what drives NCITE. It began with the Jack & Stephanie Koraleski Commerce and Applied Behavioral Laboratory (CAB Lab).

Ligon pitched the idea to the former dean of the College of Business Administration, Louis Pol, Ph.D., in 2013. The proposal: high-tech tools capable of analyzing people’s emotions by tracking facial expressions, eye movement, brain activity and other neurophysiological responses. Her team would then apply that data to a broad range of subjects and answer questions like: What kind of business leaders are most effective, and how do terrorists recruit new members?

Terrorism and business may seem unusual bedfellows, but Pol said the CAB Lab’s business perspective was key to winning over DHS.

“From the very get-go,” Pol said, “when [Ligon] was applying those business perspectives to this study of violent extremist groups, they said, ‘Holy cow, this is different. We need to pay attention to this, and we need to pay attention to this person.’”

Along with its unique perspective, the program stood out because of its multidisciplinary nature — the College of Information Science and Technology is a key partner — and how much support it received from the university and community.

Ligon and her team pitched what would eventually become NCITE as part of a universitywide search for the next Big Ideas that would help UNO grow academically. The proposal led to increased funding at the university level and five new positions to support NCITE’s future growth.

Omaha philanthropists Jack and Stephanie Koraleski provided funding to launch the CAB Lab as well as a professorship, which Ligon holds. And a whole community stepped up to support the college’s new $17 million privately funded addition to Mammel Hall, which will house NCITE headquarters.

For students at NCITE, getting to solve real problems for DHS and helping stop terrorism are transformative opportunities. Bender says she learns something new every day and loves being encouraged to seek out her own projects.

“It’s not something I’ve experienced before,” she said. “It’s like the world is your oyster — do with it what you will.”

Bender said her interest in criminology stems from growing up in the era of school shootings.

“I wanted to understand why,” she said.

Tackling questions such as those is what makes NCITE a powerful experience for students, whom Ligon wants to mold into the nation’s best counterterrorism professionals ready to work in government, nonprofits or business.

“NCITE has given greater purpose to all of these students,” Ligon said, “so they can work together to solve something bigger than themselves.”

Something bigger — like stopping the next McVeigh before he, or she, has a chance to act.

The timing could not be more apt. As the U.S. struggles to recover from a global pandemic, a massive economic crisis and a highly divisive presidential election, risk factors for homegrown terrorism are extremely high.

“We have this boiling cauldron of risk factors that none of us really know what it’s going to lead to,” Ligon said. “There’s no more important time to have a DHS Center of Excellence than right now.”

"NCITE has given greater purpose to all of these students, so they can work together to solve something bigger than themselves."

Gina Ligon, Ph.D., grew up in Oklahoma City. She was 16 when she toured the wreckage of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

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A Family Tradition

By Robyn Murray

A lot has changed at the University of Nebraska at Kearney in the last 60 years.

For one, the name. Kearney State College was a small school of about 2,000 students in the 1960s where teaching was the focus and the cost to attend was typically less than $100 a semester.

Today, UNK is a sprawling campus of three colleges and nearly 7,000 students, 120 undergraduate majors and 27 graduate programs. It’s also an economic engine in Kearney and the surrounding communities. Tuition has gone up a bit, too.

For Burnett Society members Jack and Judy Crowley, who graduated from Kearney State in 1960 and now reside in Hastings, watching the campus grow and change has been inspiring.

“Compared to when we were there to today, there’s no comparison,” said Jack. “It’s beautiful. They’ve done a great job. There’s been a lot of new buildings. It’s a wonderful university. I’m glad we’ve got it so close.”

For the Crowleys, UNK is more than a university. It’s a family tradition.

They both studied education at Kearney State. Jack’s sisters, Pat and Peggy, and his brothers, Jim and Ed, all attended the university.

All told, nine Crowley siblings and spouses attended Kearney State.

“We feel we have our own alumni association,” Jack said.

The Crowleys are longtime supporters of UNK. In 2011, they gave a $100,000 gift to establish the Crowley Family Endowed Scholarship, which aims to support Central Community College students who want to earn a four-year degree. They have also set up a planned gift, through a charitable gift annuity, to provide scholarship support for UNK students.

It’s a fitting tribute to the many family members, now deceased, who loved and benefited from the university.

“It’s been in our family,” said Judy. “That’s why it was important to us.”

While they didn’t receive scholarships as students, Jack says they know how important financial support is for students today.

“Scholarships weren’t a big deal back then, but they didn’t need to be,” he said. “It’s different today.”

The Crowleys, who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, regularly receive letters from their scholarship recipients expressing their gratitude and letting them know the impact of their support. But the influence of Jack and Judy’s lives in Kearney and Hastings, where they have resided since 1966, goes far beyond UNK.

After retiring from a career at Sears and owning several clothing stores locally, Jack started the Central Community College Foundation, which provides scholarship support to numerous students and grew to a $7 million foundation under his leadership. He has served on the boards of several banks and economic development corporations, the Kearney State and Kearney Public Schools foundations, the YMCA and Hastings Area foundations as well as the Madonna Foundation and Catholic Social Services. He has been recognized with several service awards and was named to the Central Community College Hall of Fame.

“He’s given all his life, one way or another,” Judy said.

Not that he would enjoy listing his accomplishments. In fact, the Crowleys would rather not talk about their generosity.

“This is our own little thing,” Judy said. “Just a quiet thing we do on the side.”

But if hearing their story motivates others to give, it’s worth the discomfort of being in the spotlight, Jack said, adding that people often don’t realize the impact they can have or their true capacity to give.

“I think you gain so much by what you give,” he said. “I think it really helps your life.”

“You get it back, no matter what you give,” Judy said. “Your reward comes back to you some way or other.”

Even if the reward is simply getting to be with other people who give.

“People that give are happy people,” Jack said, “and they’re fun to visit with.”

"I think you gain so much by what you give."

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A Conversation with Burnett Society Dr. Dwayne Zobell

Burnett Society member Dwayne Zobell, D.D.S., was born in Montana and graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center after attending predental school at Brigham Young University and spending time as a missionary in Argentina.

As a student at UNMC, Dwayne cared for Cuban refugees brought to Lincoln. His experience sparked a lifelong passion for providing free dental care to impoverished communities around the world, which resulted in 28 trips to countries including Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, China and the Philippines.

After graduating from UNMC with his doctoral degree, Dwayne practiced dentistry in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and married classmate Donna Taute-Zobell, D.D.S., in 2003. Together, accompanied by their combined family of five children, Dwayne and Donna have continued to travel the world on medical missions.

The Zobells are supporting the UNMC College of Dentistry and Lied Transplant Center through their estate plans.

The following Q&A was conducted with Dwayne.

What was the first job you ever had?

The first one I can remember is picking green beans in our family garden in Lewistown, Montana. My mother gave me a brown paper grocery bag and paid me a nickel.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?

Life is like a workshop of hard knocks; you mold according to what you are made of. Keep lots of grit, and you will mold true to form.

Who is someone from history you would want to invite to a dinner party if you could, and why?
Johann Sebastian Bach, perhaps the greatest of all composers.

What is the first question you would ask that guest from history?

How difficult was it to be creative and still fulfill your weekly assignment to compose something new and innovative, especially when you lost your eyesight?

What is the one song you would be sure to play to set the mood at the dinner party?
I think he would enjoy “Fanfare for the Common Man” by Aaron Copland.

What is the question that you like to be asked the most?

Who has influenced your life for the good, and what have you done to help others lately?

Why do you plan to leave a gift to the University of Nebraska in your estate?

I owe so much to the University of Nebraska, not only for my professional education that has given me and my family the means to volunteer and bless countless lives in many countries, but also for literally saving my life when I was a patient at UNMC for coronary bypass surgery after an unexpected stroke, for referring me to a heart transplant center when I had a most difficult diagnosis, and now for providing the post-transplant care to allow for continued life.

"I owe so much to the University of Nebraska, not only for my professional education that has given me and my family the means to volunteer and bless countless lives in many countries, but also for literally saving my life."

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Scholarship Established By The Meredith Family Honors A Legacy

It took Lt. Col. Dennis Meredith courage and strength to serve in the Vietnam war in 1969 and 1970 with the 7th and 8th artillery units. But to have a 28-year career serving in Vietnam, Germany and at Fort Sill in Oklahoma — that took good ol’ Nebraska grit.

He was a man of the military, a trained engineer, an ROTC instructor and a student.

He spent his undergraduate years at the University of Nebraska at Omaha as a part of the bootstrap program after serving in Vietnam. His wife, Laurell Meredith, said UNO seemed to really care about his education.

“When he was writing the standard letter to get accepted into the program, the other schools were perfunctory, but UNO plotted out a whole curriculum for him,” Laurell said. “Denny said, ‘That’s where we’re going, that’s for sure.’”

“As a teacher, I was impressed that there was total individual attention.”

Although neither Laurell nor Dennis were Nebraska natives, Laurell said the state evokes special memories for them. While there, her husband was challenged by his studies but thoroughly enjoyed them, she said.

“The whole community of Omaha really did welcome the veterans,” she said. “We had such happy memories there, and Denny really wanted to honor the group that he was with in Vietnam.”

In 2001, Laurell and Dennis established the Meredith B/7-8 FA Scholarship Fund through their estate plans to assist students interested in higher education at a military-friendly school.

Following Dennis’ death in 2013, Laurell wanted to see the scholarship benefit students during her lifetime. 

In 2015, she created an endowed fund at the University of Nebraska Foundation, so the Meredith B/7-8 FA Scholarship could be awarded while she was still living.

“I thought, I want to see some action here,” Laurell said. “Even if it begins as a smaller amount, maybe it will grow.”

At a recent reunion of the battalion, she read aloud the letter from the latest recipient of the scholarship.

Laurell described the recipient as having the ideal situation for the scholarship. He was in a bind and was so close to graduating but didn’t have the GI benefits and financial help he needed. The Meredith B/7-8 FA Scholarship enabled him to succeed.

“It was really nice to know that we helped somebody achieve a goal,” she said.
During his career in the military, Laurel said, her husband was always helping others. She described him as a people-oriented person who looked out for the troops.

Dennis died March 26, 2013, living 14 years after suffering an aortic aneurysm. Laurell said the scholarship fund is an important way for her husband’s legacy to live on while serving as a tribute to the people who served their country so faithfully and so well.

“I’m glad I have this sort of memorial to him, and you know I still miss him. He’s still a part of my life,” she said. “I just feel like this is a legacy he would’ve been proud of.”

"I just feel like this is a legacy he would’ve been proud of."

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‘Nebraska was a big part of our family’

By Robyn Murray

Bill Jackman has zip lined over the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. He’s gone scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef and cage diving with sharks in South Africa. He’s navigated the Nile, run with the bulls in Pamplona, parasailed, parachuted, climbed mountains and bungee jumped off mountains. He’s done it all or, nearly, all.

Jackman has dived headfirst into life. In his 50-odd years, he’s traveled to 110 countries. That’s extensive for someone who started out in a place far less exotic. Jackman grew up in Grant, Nebraska, an ideal community with its own hospital, three grocery stores, two department stores, a bank and the best skating rink in the area. The town gave him his start, rooting him in a culture that shaped him and connecting him to a university that brought life-changing opportunities. But even though Grant was small, Jackman’s parents never thought small.

“My parents always encouraged us to go see the world,” he said. “Go see it! Why wouldn’t you go see it?”

Every summer, Jackman and his parents and brothers piled into a station wagon and set off on a road trip to someplace new. Jackman’s father was a lawyer, but he would take a month off work so he could travel with his kids and see the country.

“Those are some of the fondest memories I have,” Jackman said, “all the adventures we had.”

Jackman’s parents also valued education and worked hard to instill a lifelong appreciation for it in their sons. His mother was a teacher with a graduate degree in early childhood education. She and Jackman’s father met at the University of Nebraska while they were undergrads. His father later attended law school; Jackman’s grandmother and two aunts and an uncle attended Nebraska, too.

“Nebraska was a big part of our family,” he said.

Sports were also a big part of the family. Grant has a long history of producing great coaches and great athletes, and Jackman ended up as one of its star exports. As a student at Perkins County High School, Jackman was part of three state football championships. He also led the team to two state basketball championships and scored 214 points, a Nebraska high school boys tournament record that has only been surpassed three times since. Later, after a year at Duke University, Jackman played basketball for the Huskers from 1985 to 1987.

Playing for the team and studying at the university were foundational experiences for Jackman. He built lifelong friendships, earned a degree in finance at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Business and loved his experience as a student at Nebraska, he said.

After graduation, Jackman spent three years working in Texas and then went on to play professional basketball overseas. He played in Venezuela, New Zealand, Mexico and Colombia and for teams in the U.S. (18 teams in total). That’s when his love of travel and exploration truly took hold.

While his parents encouraged him to travel and explore, Bill credits the university for giving him the courage to travel as widely as he has. “That was part of the education,” he said, “giving us the confidence to go forth and conquer, to go see what’s out there and take advantage of it.”

Bill earned an M.B.A. at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and then spent the next two decades working in financial services, rising to vice president at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and now senior vice president at UBS. For the past 19 years, he has served as a University of Nebraska Foundation trustee, devoting his time and treasure to investing in education and giving back to the university. In October, he became chair of the foundation’s board of directors.

Recently, Bill made a gift commitment to the University of Nebraska in his will, adding himself to the prestigious list of Burnett Society members. Bill said he wants to give back to a place that has shaped him, given him opportunities and experiences and introduced him to the people in his life he values. He hopes his gift can be an example to others and encourages them to follow his lead.

“We’re standing on the shoulders of a lot of other people who have given to the university,” he said. “We love this school, and it’s done amazing things for us and our families. This is a small way that we can help out, really help the next generation of people, help them do great things.”

Bill has done great things in his life. And he’s not done yet. In addition to helping the next generation at the University of Nebraska, in Grant and at the University of Chicago, where he has also pledged support, he’s working to pass on the confidence and love of learning he gained from his parents and university to his own children, who have, so far, visited more than 60 countries. He wants them to forge their own paths but also to take advantage of every opportunity and experience that the world has to offer — to dive into life, just as he has.

"We’re standing on the shoulders of a lot of other people who have given to the university. We love this school, and it’s done amazing things for us and our families."

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Student touched by such a generous human

Dr. Carole Levin, a beloved history professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, established a history scholarship fund to help students succeed.

She chose to create the fund now as an expendable fund so it can be awarded and help students now, with the intent of fulling endowing it through a planned gift.

She wanted to make an impact sooner than later.

However, through a great relationship with an anonymous donor, two generous gifts have been made to her scholarship fund, enabling Dr. Levin to endow the fund now.

The inaugural recipient of the scholarship is Ceclia “C.J.” Kracl, who was selected in 2018.

In this video, C.J. expresses her thankfulness for the scholarship and shares why Dr. Levin is such an inspirational teacher and human.

"She challenged me and she didn't just hand me things. I had to work very hard."

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